Gus UI

by Gugustinette

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Gus UI on npm

What's Gus UI ?

GusUI is an open-source and vanilla web components library which is aiming for a simple way to create complexes interfaces.

It is written in pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript. GusUI provides tens of fully customizable and programmable components, from basic switches to date picker and even special effects.

How does it work ?

The library is fairly simple to use.

All you need to do is download the library, and import its main JS file in your project.

Every components are customizables through the HTML "slot" element and CSS "part" selector. Programming GusUI is also pretty simple thanks to the events and getter/setter of each components. See quick start for more information.

What is it made of ?

GusUI is powered by the Web Component technology, which is native in most modern browsers.

Its main content was mostly inspired by the Google Material Design Components but it was modified to fit modern web needs, and a lot was added to the original set of components.